Stay tuned here for interested news, press releases and innovative product announcements regarding preclinical imaging systems for biomedical research.
9/21/2014 - Molecular Bioimaging acquires all of the remaining inventory from the In-Vitro division of Carestream including many new and used systems, cameras, spare parts (filters, lenses, boards, etc) and accessories. Contact us if you are need anything for your Kodak or Carestream Imaging System.
5/9/2014 - We have moved! Our new location is in the beautiful town of Bend in Central Oregon. We have more space to support your systems. Please see our contact page for address details.
7/15/2013 - Carestream MI Software v5.4.2 and Digital User Guides are now available from Molecular Bioimaging. This version is now Windows XP, 7 and OSX 10.5-10.9 compatible and does not require any dongles or security keys, just an installation code. Please contact us at (909) 938-9470 or with any questions or request for a quotation. For more information, please visit our Products page.
5/9/2013 - Molecular Bioimaging expands its service coverage to the entire United States and Canada.
2/7/2013 - Molecular Bioimaging begins supporting Kodak and Carestream Gel Logic and Image Station imaging systems in the Western US.
9/21/2012 - Bruker acquires Carestream Molecular Imaging's In Vivo System business unit and Carestream discontinues production of new In Vitro Gel Logic and Image Station imaging systems.